Monday, April 27, 2009

Way kids in Kimonos

The Ways are going to be in a Museum Of History in Pasadena. The museum is doing an exhibit about the their different ethnicities and their family history. They have rich family history here in Pasadena. The Kawai family(Ally's maiden name) has been involved in the Pasadena community for a long time. Her dad's cousin was the 1st Rose Queen of an ethnic minority. Her Great Uncle played baseball with Jackie Robinson. These things are special because at the time their was a lof of racial tension the arouse due to World War II. Their mother Great Great Grandfather built the bridge in the Japanese garden at Huntington library. You can go check out their exhibit along with others from May 29-August 28.
I had the opportunity to take their picture that will be displayed in the exhibit. Ally wanted them to wear their traditional Japanese Kimonos. We did their hair and took them to Cal Tech. I love Cal Tech because their are so many different places to take pictures. Thanks to my friend Tim we were able to go without getting kicked out again. He is a student their and showed security his ID, so we did not have to have a permit. Permits by the way are $250.