Sunday, September 18, 2011

The A-Team

I just so happens that me and two of my friends had baby girls within 2 months of me and all of their names start with "A". We did not plan it, it just happened. Here are the little dolls:) They will all be baptized at our church on Oct. 9th.

Ada (4 months)

These are all outfits (below) that we were dedicated in when we were babies.
Angela (5 Months)

Alethea (6 months)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Angela 4 1/2 Months:Portrait

HIgh Dynamic Range

I made a new discovery in the area of Real Estate photography. Dave and I took it upon ourselves to learn how to do one weekend and are excited by our results. HDR(High Dynamic Range ) is a process of taking different exposures through bracketing and combining them to make one photograph. Here are the results of our first house...which happens to be in escrow:)

Before shot without the HDR:After HDR processing: