Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newborn: Emily

Miss Emily Grace was born On February 26th, just missing a leap year birthday:) Fortunately for her mom, she came earlier than expected. Here are a few photos of her at the hospital the day after she was born.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Maternity Portrait: Childs

Bryan and Renee were expecting there baby girl to make her arrival sometime next week. To there surprise she came the day after we took these photos. We were a little bit limited because Renee had been on bedrest for about a week and could only stand for a few minutes at a time, regardless though they turned out beautiful. Renee was glowing. I told her she should be a model because she is so photogenic. Here are a few of the results.

Ocho Cinco was the nickname that they had for the baby before they found out she was a girl, but it stuck:)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Real Estate Photography: Shadow Grove For Sale

Even though my passion is for portrait photography, I have been dabbling in the real estate photography world lately. I have become Dave Knight's personal real estate photographer. He challenged me to learn the art of triple exposure photography also known as High Dynamic Range (HDR), so I have been working on that. He has been happy with my work:) He uses all my original work on his website.